
Tuesday 22 October 2013

a few wee thoughts

Today the Twelfth Graders graduated from my school. This really got me thinking as, in exactly a year, it will be me leaving to go on to uni and have a life outside of the education system I have always known. I'm really excited to actually do things with my life but the thought of leaving the beautiful people I have met behind makes me sad.

I guess I've just realised that I need to get my act together in this coming year and attempt to do my best. I get so bored with school and I lose concentration and think about birds and clouds and I need to come down to earth for a year! I want to finish on a good note and be happy.

I don't really think this post made much sense so here is some nice pictures of Paris to make this all interesting for you! I'm currently drinking tea and looking at Paris pictures listening to pretty French music so it's quite a nice relaxing way to unwind after a sad day.
I wish you the happiest of days! Tatti xx

Pretty houses in Montmartre, Paris.



Friday 16 August 2013

hooray, it's friday!

I thought Friday would never come!
These last two weeks have been so crazy for me. I've had drama shows, ballet exams I studied eight years for, uni open days and, to top it all off, multiple exams/tests from school. I haven't had a good sleep in for days, I'm properly tired let me tell you!
All in all however, I'm glad to have done so many good things and to be working towards my future. Hopefully now that I'm slightly less busy blogging will become more of a priority!

If you have any ideas for anything you'd like me to post, or just want to say hello, there's a comments box below just waiting to be used.

Hope to talk to you soon!
Lots of love, Tatti x

Wednesday 31 July 2013

10 quick facts!

As a sort of 'getting to know you' I was asked to post ten quick facts here on my blog for you. Here goes!

1. I have taken ballet since I was three years old.

2. I am now 17.

3. I only got a 'floral themed instagram' a week ago and was so inspired I thought I'd join in with the blog-thing.

4. This post was interrupted for half an hour while I was writing because we couldn't find my cat Obi- he was in the roof cavity, making the funniest meow.

5. I live in Australia.

6. I go to a private school and am in year 11.

7. I have drama classes tonight!

8. I am really fussy about keeping my room clean and keeping a tidy appearance.

9. I love anything pastel coloured!

10. I can't wait to get to know you all better on my blog + instagram!

Lots of love;
Tatti xx

July Inspiration

Hello, bloggers!
I have decided to do a general inspiration post for every month. These can just be photos that I find beautiful and inspiring and don't have to fall under any category. Even though it is the last day in July I am still popping a wee post in, ahah. Hopefully you find them as lovely as I do!
Love, Tatti xx

What a pretty street! These blossoms are just stunning.

This bedroom is amazingly warm-and-cozy looking-- It's what I'm aiming for mine to look like when I am done redecorating!

How gorgeous is her hair, ahh!

Such pretty, pretty dresses.

These are the most gorgeous houses I have ever seen.

I love her hair and dress- so lovely.

This is such a beautiful little spot, the river is gorgeous and the houses are just darling.

Look at all that white! If my room looked like that it would be covered in cat hair in 0.01 of a second.

Everything just looks that much more lovely when it rains.

Her face is so striking, and that flower crown is just so gorgeous!

I love the little white frames; definitely doing that to my room.

Another gorgeous flower crown! Her hair is flawless, too.

Saturday 20 July 2013

greetings x

Hello, universe!

Good grief, I now own a blog. I'm hoping to post some more interesting things soon but for now it is just a quick hello and a test as to how this works. I'm really super excited (and a wee bit nervous) to see how this new blog turns out and I hope to post some new and exciting things for you all.

Lots of love and best wishes;
Tatti x

p.s. I am a real person; evidence below.